
Missions & Outreach

Crossings Missions Ministries exist to equip ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the name of Jesus so everyone can have the opportunity to experience God’s love in tangible ways.

Local Outreach

Local Outreach

Crossings Local Outreach exists to equip people to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus to our community. We believe the key to transforming lives for Jesus is through the context of the relationships we build in our neighborhoods. 

Global Missions

Global Missions

Crossings impacts the world through our global partners who multiply disciples and meet spiritual, physical, and emotional needs through various community development initiatives.



Missionary families serve as extensions of Crossings and expand the Kingdom through church planting, refugee care, Christian education, campus evangelism, sports outreach, English language classes, and more.

Trips & Events

Trips & Events

Crossings Missions & Outreach offers local outreach opportunities and global missions trips throughout the year.

Pastoral Staff

Demetrius Bell

Director, Crossings Community Center

Jeremiah Braudrick

Director, Prison Campuses

Natalie Haymaker

Pastor, Local Missions

Angela Presley

Pastor, Global Missions

Marq Youngblood

Pastor, Missions Ministries